We are pleased to announce our end of the year In-Kind Donations List. This is the time to share the good that you received this year by sharing it with others. Our restoration team has and is working miracles with little. They need your support to continue, expand and rebuild future projects. The ultimate goal is a maintenance school to train others and help keep the aircraft alive for generations to come. We appreciate your support by either financial or in-kind donations and sharing this with friends and on social media. Trusting you are blessed for your support. May 2025 be a year of prosperity, health, peace and kindness for ALL!!!!
- Fork Lift
- Hoist – electric lifting capacity 2 + ton
- Gantry Crane – A frame, portable, adjustable, 1 + ton capacity
- Welding machine – Miller Welding Company
- Metal ban saw cutting steel – JET manufacture
- Stands for plane wheels – 21 stands
Suggestions or questions, please call 760-715-3344. Thanks so much!
How many hours did it take to restore the A-7 that sat in a field for 25 years?

Chennault Restoration Hanger

Volunteer Maintainer Team
This amazing restoration was accomplished by the volunteer “Maintainers” at the Chennault Museum Restoration Hanger in Monroe, LA.
Do your part to support the Wings & Rivets project today. You will be helping to take history into the future.
The first part of this two-fold mission is to purchase new equipment and supplies to restore current planes and those that are due to arrive. The second part is to rename the hanger to remember and honor the men of the 69th Depot Repair Squadron who kept the planes flying over China.
To Join our $10 challenge, CLICK HERE!
- Share it on social media, email, or word of mouth, with friends & family.
- Everyone shares & contributes.
Each $1 takes us to our mission goal of $200K. - During WWII everyone did their PART: children collected scrap metal & newspapers, women worked in the factories, elders and those needed on the Homefront kept our shores safe.
We thank you in advance for doing your part!
We are now aligned and affiliated with the Chennault Foundation. Their Aviation Museum and Park are located in Monroe, Louisiana. Click HERE or the above image for more information.

Charlene Fontaine (right) with Camron Mapes of www.5starnutritionusa.com
Own a part of Aviation History!
We’re proud to announce that you can now own an authentic A2 Aviation Leather Flight Jacket just like those worn by the Flying Tigers pilots of WWII.
This genuine leather flight jacket is made by the company that makes flight jackets for the U.S. Air Force and Navy. This is the original design as worn by our troops in WWII and beyond and includes three CBI patches* (14th Air Force, CBI, Flying Tigers 69th DRS).

To order your personal A2 Flight Jacket, just CLICK HERE for special pricing.
Or go to www.bit.ly/tigersjacket
Our organization will receive a small percentage of the purchase price.
* No returns or exchanges once patches are sewn on.
Congratulations to our 2024
Scholarship Recipients
We are pleased to announce our 2024 winners:
Stuart Littman, Grandson of Art Littman, 69th DRS, CBI and son of Harvey Littman, 69th Treasurer. Stuart is enrolled at Western Governors University studying Information Technology.
Whitney Chapman, Great granddaughter, Andrew Nathaniel Julius, 75th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group She is enrolled at Texas A & M College Station studying Entomology.
Congratulations to each of you and we wish you the best for your education and beyond. Looking forward to life contributions.
Scholarship Applications are now being accepted!
The Flying Tigers 69th D.R.S. Association is offering competitive academic scholarship awards for distribution during the current or following school year. These awards are funded by the following commemorative scholarship programs:
► Marty Oxenburg Scholarship Fund
► Doris van Tanner Tursky Memorial Scholarship Endowment
In order to be eligible to compete for the scholarship award, the applicant must:
• Be a family member (e.g., child, grandchild, niece/nephew, great-niece/-nephew etc.) of a current U.S. Armed Forces member or veteran.
• Be accepted or enrolled in a university, college, technical program, or other relevant higher education program.
• Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 in the academic program (or based upon secondary school records for entering freshmen).
• Submit an official application form, with all supporting documentation and essays.
CLICK HERE to learn about our annual Memorial Service.

Martin “Marty” Oxenburg, 1922 – 2024
Last man standing and founder of the 69th Buddies Group has passed on. Marty had a life that was full, rich, and blessed. Marty lived 101 years on this earth. He filled those moments with family, friends, giving and sharing all the bounty from his heart.
He served our country in WWII, the CBI Theater. After which he came home to be with his wife, Shirley and their daughter Judy who arrived while he was driving the Burma Road. Later their son Barry arrived. Marty’s career was in the personnel industry where he established a thriving recruiting business. He was extremely well respected by his clients and those he placed. However, there was a deep desire in his heart to connect the men he served with in China. So, he, along with Shirley set out to find all his ‘Buddies’ and bring them together. Their adventure started with a typewriter, white pages phone directories from the library, and lots of hours filled with letters and phone calls to each of the 349 men in the 69th DRS.
Charlene Fontaine, founder and Executive Director of the Flying Tigers 69th DRS Association, discusses the legacy of the men who kept the Flying Tigers in the air during World War II. In the news, GPS jamming and spoofing aircraft positioning systems, 737 MAX 9 lawsuits, Boeing quality actions, sustainable aviation fuel options, FAA and airline pilot retirement age, AV-8B Harrier phase-out, and a positive airline story. CLICK HERE OR THE BANNER ABOVE TO LISTEN.
“This documentary is excellent! It’s time we remember what has been forgotten.”
Nell Chennault Calloway
Join us in honoring the 250,000 men and women who served our country in CBI during WWII.
Watch the trailer for this documentary, currently in production. We’d love to hear your comments. After watching the trailer, please CLICK HERE to leave your comments on our Blog page.
Your support and donations are welcome and greatly appreciated. DONATE HERE.

We’re available for Speaking Engagements
to Share Our Tigers Story
Please REJOIN Our Email List
It has been a challenge to keep track of everyone. We change addresses, phone numbers or move to another area. Another challenge is the email program we use was corrupted. NO ONE’s info was shared. So kindly take a moment and CLICK HERE to rejoin our email list with your best email address so we can stay connected. If you do not sign up to rejoin our list you may no longer receive our emails or blog posts. Apologies for any inconvenience.